The emergence of probability in quantum mechanics

I was on Brijuni conference in 2014. where I was presenting a poster about “The emergence of probability in quantum mechanics”. Sir Harold Kroto was sitting right in front of me, and after my presentation he told me: “I did not understand what you were talking about, but you have presented it quite nicely!” 

Interview for Croatian Radiotelevision

In 2011. I organized regional event (Regional Science Fair), with more than 50 guesting scientist from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Bosnia. Journalists were very interested about it, so I did lots of TV and radio interviews. This one (with Danica Ramljak, director of Ruđer Bošković Institute)  somehow survived. Unfortunately, it is in Croatian. So if you understand basic of Croatian language, be my guest. 

EPR phenomena and Bell's inequality

Yeah, again in Croatian. I cannot change the past. It is a Croatian version of lecture that I did at University of Regensburg, in 2016. I was invited by professor Rupert Huber, chair of Ultrafast quantum electronics and photonics. I am following original EPR argumentation and historical events. Moral of the story: quantum physics is non-local.

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